Privacy policy

Last update : 26/03/2021

GeoAlert, provides alert services. As the data controller, GeoAlert is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data.

For this purpose, the website and its mobile application may collect certain personal data from users. This Privacy Policy provides you with detailed information about GeoAlert’s use and protection of your personal information, including why we use it, how long we keep it, what your rights are and how you can exercise them.

If necessary, additional information may be provided to you when you request a specific product or service.

1 – Who are we ?

GeoAlert is a brand of the company Infopolis, SAS with a capital of 40 000 euros, registered at the RCS of Toulouse under the n° B 490 378 577 and whose head office is located at 58bis, chemin du Chapitre, 31100 Toulouse and whose president is Christine CHANSSARD hereafter the ” Editor “.

The coordinates of the delegate for the protection of personal data are :

2 – Compliance with the law of January 6, 1978, known as the “loi informatique et liberté” and with Regulation 2016/679

The Publisher is responsible for the processing of your personal data and undertakes to comply, on the one hand, with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to information technology, files and freedoms, known as the “Information Technology and Freedoms” Law, as amended by the Law of August 6, 2004, and, on the other hand, with European Regulation EU/2016/679.

3 – Consent

By using the Site and the Application, you explicitly agree to the Publisher’s Privacy Policy, and you consent to our collection and processing of data about you in the manner and under the principles described below.

You will not be able to create a personal account on the Application or on our Site if you refuse to provide the mandatory information requested in the registration form.

If you want us to delete your data from our database, simply follow the procedure for deleting your account on the Site, menu My Account / Unsubscribe.

The newsletters that may be sent to you will always include a link that you can click to unsubscribe from receiving emails from us.

4 – Collection Methods

The Publisher may collect information about you at various times.

  • When you enter your personal information to create your personal account;
  • When you browse the Site through Cookies;
  • When you use the Application;
  • When you are asked for help by an Contact;

5 – Personal data collected

GeoAlert may process information, data and data of any kind, provided by you or by third parties, to the extent necessary or useful for the performance of its activity.

The personal data processed are :

  • Identification data such as your first and last name, title, gender, date of birth, address, date and place of birth, telephone number, postal address, e-mail address, password
  • Data for your alerts such as your blood type, weight, height, allergies, pathologies, treatments and vaccines, as well as the contact details of the health personnel who follow you (name, first name, telephone)
  • Geolocation data from alerts, trackings and reports such as your GPS position, altitude and the details sent by the contacts
  • Data collected via cookies (cookies are essential to the proper functioning of our site).

GeoAlert does not process sensitive data such as health data, racial or ethnic data, political, philosophical or religious data, or data relating to union membership or sex life.

6 – Uses of your personal data

Personal data, i.e. your name, your postal address, your telephone number, your e-mail address as well as any data communicated on our Site and our Application constitute confidential data.

In accordance with legal obligations, we keep this information in reinforced security conditions and for a limited period of time, proportional to the purposes for which you have communicated it to us.

It is only accessible to authorized personnel and is only used for the purposes for which you provided it to us. Thus, we will use it to process your alerts, tracking and reports.

Depending on the situation, the uses are as follows:

Providing you with alert services

  • The use of the Alert service requires that your mobile device be geolocated at the time you alert your contacts.
  • The use of the Alerting service also requires that your mobile device be geolocated at the time you proceed with the alert.
  • Finally, the use of the Tracking service, the Silent Alert service or the Downward Alert service, requires imperatively that your mobile device is geolocated continuously. With your express prior consent, the GeoAlert App collects location data in the background and transfers it to the Site to indicate your location to your Contacts in the event of an alert or to inform you of a major incident near your location.

It is important to note that many mobile devices with built-in GPS capability allow users to “turn off” the sending of location data to GeoAlert. If you do not wish to report your location, please disable the geolocation service on your device. However, disabling the geolocation service will prevent you from using the Alert services.

Informing You

GeoAlert may contact you by email to :

  • inform you about GeoAlert news, services and personal security in general
  • Offer you the opportunity to participate in surveys to obtain your feedback on current services or on potential new services that may be offered.

Securing our Services

GeoAlert secures your personal data, as well as the personal data of others, from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. GeoAlert secures the personal data you provide on computer servers in a controlled and secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, we remind you that no security system is impenetrable.

Complying with our legal and regulatory obligations

In providing the Services, GeoAlert is required to comply with various legal and regulatory obligations that involve the retention of your personal data. This data may also be used to identify the authors of illegal content.

As technology evolves, the Publisher may add purposes not yet covered by this Policy. We will post any changes to the privacy policy on this page and, in the case of significant changes, we will post a prominent notice.

7 – Cookies

Please be advised that when you visit the GeoAlert website, a cookie is automatically placed on your computer to be stored on the hard drive.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer, tablet or mobile device when you access a site. Cookies store and retrieve information about your browsing habits, the device from which you are browsing and, depending on the information they contain, may allow us to recognize you as a frequent user.

What types of cookies are used on our site?

  • Technical cookies: These are used to manage activities strictly related to the operation of the site. GeoAlert uses them anonymously for statistical purposes (number of pages viewed, time spent on the site…) or to provide you with an optimized experience (navigation language, detection and correction of a specific browser anomaly…).
  • Third party cookies: GeoAlert works with several partners, who use cookies anonymously, in order to provide it with statistics on the origin of its visitors or their browsing behavior. GeoAlert uses cookies to improve the performance of its site and advertising campaigns.

How do I delete cookies ?

If you wish, you can block the use of cookies at any time in the settings of your Internet browser (usually in the security and privacy section).

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and above:

  1. Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”.
  2. Click on the “Confidentiality” tab
  3. Select the desired level with the cursor.

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 :

  1. Select the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options
  2. Click on the “Security” tab
  3. Select “Internet” and then “CustomLevel
  4. Locate the “cookies” section and choose the option that suits you

For Mozilla firefox :

  1. Choose the “Tools” menu and then “Options”.
  2. Click on the “privacy” icon
  3. Locate the “cookie” menu and select the options that suit you

For Netscape 6.X and 7. X :

  1. Choose the “Edit” menu; “Preferences
  2. Privacy and Security
  3. Cookies

For Netscape Communicator 4.X :

  1. Choose the “Edit” menu > “Preferences
  2. Click on the “Advanced” option
  3. Cookies” section

For Opera 6.0 and above:

  1. Choose the “File” > “Preferences” menu
  2. Privacy


For Chrome :

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More and then Settings.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Advanced Settings.
  4. In the “Privacy and Security” section, click on Content Settings.
  5. Click Cookies, then Show all cookies and site data, then Delete all.
  6. Confirm the deletion by clicking on Delete All.

8 – Statistics and audience measurements

For statistical purposes and audience measurement, we use statistical tools. The list of the tools used is :

Audience measurement :

  • Google Analytics, in order to obtain statistics of visits (sessions, users, page views, …). See Google’s privacy policy.

Advertising agencies :

  • None to date

9 – Transmission of your personal

The data and information collected about the User is intended for the Publisher’s employees. The Publisher reserves the right to transfer your personal data in the event of a change of control or the transfer of all or part of its assets, in particular by acquisition or merger with another company.

It is important to note that :

  • Your data is not shared with any GeoAlert partner.
  • Your data may be transmitted to the competent authorities upon request and in particular to public bodies, exclusively to meet legal obligations, judicial officers, and bodies responsible for debt collection.

GeoAlert will only store your data within the European Economic Area.

10 – Duration of storage of your data

The duration of storage of your data does not exceed that necessary for the processing for which it was collected, except in the case where the law or regulation provides for a longer period.

The data collected is kept for a period of 3 years after your last connection to the system. Beyond this period, your data is archived to meet legal obligations or to respond to requests for information from the competent authorities.

11 – The rights you have over your data

General right to object to direct marketing

You can at any time object to the use of the data that we collect, store and process for marketing purposes directly by email :, or by mail addressed to GeoAlert – DPO – 58bis, chemin du chapitre, 31100 Toulouse.

Right of access, rectification, deletion and portability of data

You have a permanent right of access to your personal data through the Site and the GeoAlert Application.

In this context, you can:

  • Consult the data in our possession;
  • Change, supplement or delete it if your personal data is inaccurate, irrelevant or incomplete
  • Completely delete all the data in your account.
National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties

If we have not been able to satisfy you, you can contact the CNIL, 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 – Tel: 01 53 73 22 22 (Monday to Thursday from 9am to 6:30pm / Friday from 9am to 6pm) – Fax: 01 53 73 22 00 – website:

12 – Data Security

How we protect your data

Protecting your personal information is a priority for GeoAlert. We use secure means of access and storage to ensure that the information provided to us is not accessible by unauthorized parties or altered in any way.

Procedures in the event of a data breach

GeoAlert has a procedure for notifying a personal data breach, which provides for a three-day notification period after becoming aware of it to the CNIL and as soon as possible to the persons concerned.